Thursday, January 11, 2007

Final Project: Topic " Dance Studio"

My Final topic is of my "Dance Business" it is called M&M's Dance studio. We are open Five hours each weekday and 8 hours on the weekend. My employee's are paid 15.25 an hour. We teach six different types of dances which includes
  1. Jazz
  2. Hip hop
  3. Street
  4. Ball room
  5. Ballet
  6. Modern


Classes ( one class ) - One full year w/ recital - $200.00

Two or more classes - $425.00 For the year also includes recital

** You don't want a recital and just want to learn to dance? Your cost will be 150 for one class with 10 lessons**

Clothes and shes and make - up:
There is a store at the dance studio which contains all the supplies for class that you will need.

Our dance suites range from 7.00 to 20.00 at the highest

Shoes range from 20.00 to 40.00

Make up ranges from 3.00 to 20.00

Please Answer the following questions:

Would you join my studio? ___________________

Do you have any idea's for my Studio?______________

Do you think dancing is a popular activity and a good Business to start?___________

Monday, December 18, 2006

..*..Ways to keep a clean environment..*..

  1. The three R's ( recycle, reuse, reduce)
  2. Teach children to respect nature and the environment.
  3. Volunteer your time to conservation projects.
  4. Print or copy on both sides of the paper.
  5. Hide the throw-away cups, and train people to use their washable coffee mugs. Use washable mugs for meetings too. ( this one is for those working men and woman!)
  7. Dont leave water running.
  8. Turn heat down. ( Wear a sweater)

Just these little things can help alot and keep us living in a nice clean place!

Save the fishieS! =)

Friday, December 15, 2006


Hello, you are very lucky because you are reading my first blog ever!! you lucky duckie...
Please answer these questions below:
1st_ What is your name?
2nd_ How old are you?
3rd_ Male or female?
4th_ Pets? if any
5th_ WHat would you like to be when you are older? (( occupation))
6th_ Your favorite quote and why its your favorite
::* The End ::*::